Friday, May 9, 2008

NYCTF Interview

Before I had my interview I spent hours searching for blogs by fellows, trying to figure out what kind of questions would be asked during the interview. I didn't have much luck, so I thought I'd post some of what I remember here for other applicants ;)

Before the Q&A section of the interview, we completed a writing assignment where we wrote a letter to parents addressing complaints and describing the approach we would take with the class.

  1. I was told my letter was lacking in certain areas and asked to address them. I disagreed with the interviewer, so I pointed out exactly where in the letter I did address them. I basically said "you asked xyz, and in the letter I said abc." I don't know if the interviewer actually thought I didn't answer the questions or wanted to see how I would react when challenged, but I am happy with my response.
  2. I was asked how I thought my 5 min demo lesson went, and what I thought I could improve. Mine was a bit long for the time so I rushed a bit, and that was most of my answer. I said a bit more, but can't remember what.
  3. I was asked what I thought the biggest challenge would be. I was also asked how I would deal with lack of support from the administration.
  4. This was the worst--I was asked to give a percentage of how much a teacher is responsible for students' learning. I personally think it is impossible to put a number on it and said so (and I backed it up with my reasoning.) The interviewer pushed for a number so I gave one, but I think the explanation of why is the important part of this question.

If you are planning on applying or going through the interview process, good luck and feel free to ask any questions you have! I will do my best to answer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for starting this blog. I have a NYCTF interview later this month, and your posts are quite helpful. What was the subject of your teaching demo? Did you use visuals?